Sunday, 20 January 2013

The good, the bad and the downright ugly

Iv'e been holed up at home all weekend and with the ironing and housework done I set to work finishing my hexie cushions.
As some of you know I'm not great on the machine but I think I managed to do an o.k job.

I'm pleased with both cushions but I think my favourite has to be the blue one.
(rubbish pictures...sorry)

With the cushions done and dusted I set to with the card making today, I had lots of ideas buzzing around in my head and couldn't wait to get going with my fabby new papers.... sadly my card making mojo seemed to do a bunk the minute I sat at the table and I struggled to come up with anything remotely good.

However,I was successful in managing to turn the dining room into a complete bomb site.
I finally gave up and decided to call it a day after Mr. H asked why the dining room looked like it had been turned over and why was I was being so ratty.
.....who knew paper crafting could turn so nasty!

Calm was soon restored when I sat down to watch call the midwife with a little slice of chocolate panetone, it didn't take long before I was back to my old self again!
I'll have another bash at the cards tomorrow.

.....So Fingers crossed for more white stuff this week, hopefully the proper stuff, just like we had in the 70's!!!

: )


  1. I really love your cushions. I have been wanting to hexagon cushions for a long while now. Can I ask you a bit of advice..when you cut out your hex shapes do you need to zigzag the edges so that the fabric doesn't ravel? Or when you're finished do I need to put something at the back to keep them secure? Probably really stupid questions I know but I don't want to start until I'm sure.
    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Rosie.
      I dont zig zag my hexies I just fold the fabric over the pattern. I think you can iron interfacing onto the back when you have finished but I didn't have enough and I'm far too impatient to have waited!
      Go on just give it a go!
      : ) x

  2. Your hexie cushions came out so beautifully! Love the pretty prints!! xo Heather

    1. Thanks Heather.
      I have another one on the go at the moment then I'm calling it a day for a while as my fingers are starting to feel sore!

      : ) x

  3. Lovely cushions :) Call the Midwife was excellent wasn't it? x

    1. Thanks Joe
      Call the midwife was fabulous, it never fails to make me cry though.

      : ) x

  4. For someone whose not great on a sewing machine (?!) you've done a great job! Yes more snow here today, schools closed! Kids happy! :) x
